For profit, non-profit, and all world-changing leaders

Live2Lead is an annual global leadership and personal development event hosted at local sites by Maxwell Leadership Certified Trainers and Coaches around the world. At Live2Lead Charlotte you will experience a hybrid of world-class virtual and live speakers, leadership coaching, and networking that will expand your mindset and skill set so that you can accelerate your growth and impact.

Our Charlotte theme is "Made for This Moment" because we believe that strong, effective, and inspirational leaders are the remedy to almost everything that is troubling our nation, cities, and families. When leaders grow, everything around them grows. Everyone deserves to be led well.


Dexter Howard, Pastor, Author & Leadership Coach

Live Keynote Speaker

John Maxwell, #1 Leadership Expert & Bestselling Author

Virtual Speaker

Valorie Burton, Life Strategist & Bestselling Author

Virtual Speaker

Michael Jr., Comedy Thought Leader & Author

Virtual Speaker

Gary Frey: Charlotte business leader, author, and speaker

Gary Frey, Charlotte business leader, author, and speaker

Live Speaker 

Host & Speaker


John Maxwell Certified Speaker, Trainer & Coach

Dexter Howard is an international speaker, author, and local pastor in Charlotte. He has traveled the world for over 25 years empowering people from all walks of life to break through limitations, embrace their challenges, and reach their full potential. He is a masterful motivator, encourager, and lover of humankind.
Dexter is the co-founder of Lead and Grow Consulting and Howard International Ministries along with his wife, Genette Howard. He is the senior pastor of The Restoration Place Church in Charlotte, NC. Dexter & Genette have been married for over 30 years and are the proud parents of 6 daughters.
Dr. Dexter Howard

“Our Lead and Grow team can hardly wait to share this empowering and inspirational day with you! At Live2Lead Charlotte, you will hear some of the most profound messages you have ever heard, which will cause your leadership and personal growth to soar. You’ll also meet some amazing leaders in Charlotte to network, collaborate, and be sharpened. If you have any questions, just reach out. Seats are limited so please register yourself and your team today!”

Questions? Reach out to Lisa Williams at

If you want to get your business in front of leaders, this is a great opportunity for you.

Copyright © 2024. Dexter Howard. All rights reserved.